Young boy with an apple slice

Child Life Services

MaineHealth is committed to providing outstanding care to our young patients. Our certified child life specialists have advanced training in this highly specialized field. 

What are child life specialists?

Child life specialists are passionate about the health and well-being of children. They partner with families and health care providers to help children cope with their experiences having a medical procedure or hospital stay. They can help relieve the stress and anxiety for children by:

  • Helping them prepare for a medical procedure, so that it does not feel like a scary experience
  • Support and distract youngsters during a medical procedure
  • Assist with coping strategies that help young patients as they recover and prepare to go home

Play is an important activity for children

Play allows children to process stressful events and also provides relief for them. Our child life specialists give youngsters the opportunity for developmentally appropriate play activities that allow them to express themselves. To children, these opportunities are fun and games that can serve as a distraction and help to ease their anxiety.

Is your child scheduled for a hospital procedure?

Learn more about child life services at Barbara Bush Children's Hospital, Maine's only full-service children's hospital.