Barbara Bush Children's Hospital

Meet Charlie

teenage boy smiling with his hands raised triumphantly over his head

Charlie thought he might have broken a rib in his high school football game, but X-rays revealed something much more serious, and he was admitted to MaineHealth Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital on his 16th birthday. Charlie’s symptoms were not related to football, but from a leak in his lymphatic system (Chylous Pericardial Effusion) that caused fluid to collect in his chest, putting pressure on his heart. Charlie persevered through weeks of hospitalization, procedures, and significant life changes; his strength is inspiring. Now 18 years old, he’s looking forward to his high school graduation in a few months!

Listen to Charlie’s inspiring story below, sponsored by KMA Human Resources Consulting.

Audio file

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Make a donation to MaineHealth Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital and give more kids like Charlie a fighting chance.

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