Barbara Bush Children's Hospital

Meet Ian

young boy wearing glasses holding a sign that reads" last chemo. Ian you are amazing. Good bye cancer."

When a small playground injury to his knee became more painful, Ian’s pediatrician ordered testing, which revealed a tumor at the top of his tibia. Ian was seen at MaineHealth Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital’s Maine Children’s Cancer Program the next day, where his doctor explained that it looked like bone cancer (osteosarcoma), which was soon confirmed via biopsy. Ian’s treatment plan included 30 weeks of chemotherapy, as well as amputation surgeries at Boston Children’s Hospital. Ian was declared cancer free in May 2023, and was been getting stronger on his prosthetic every day. Today, he’s 12 years old, and he even went rock climbing the morning of this interview!

Listen to Ian’s inspiring story below, sponsored by WEX.

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