Maine Behavioral Healthcare
Person holding baby above their head

Support Maine Behavioral Healthcare

There are many ways to support Maine Behavioral Healthcare (MBH), which includes southern Maine’s only free-standing private psychiatric hospital, Spring Harbor Hospital. Your generous tax-deductible contribution makes a real difference in the lives of our patients and their families. With your financial support, MBH will be better positioned to achieve our vision: Working together so our communities are the healthiest in America, Maine Behavioral Healthcare will provide the highest quality integrated and compassionate behavioral health care. Questions? Please contact us.

A woman in a green dress stands behind a podium

From Heartfelt Stories to Real Impact

Discover how the Center of Excellence transforms lives at An Evening of Possibility on September 27.  Join us to support and celebrate these inspiring journeys. 

Ways to Give

Making a gift of appreciated securities to MaineHealth that is designated for Maine Behavioral Healthcare can be an advantageous way to provide financial support for patient care across our many behavioral health programs and services. Indeed, a gift of publicly traded stock that has increased in value, which you have owned for more than one year, may provide greater tax benefits than giving cash. To effect a transfer of stock as a gift to us, your broker should use the following information:

Broker: Wells Fargo
DTC #: 0141
FBO: MaineHealth
A/C #: 4351-7380
Attn: Susan Pye
Gift Purpose: Maine Behavioral Healthcare/specific program or purpose

If there is a more specific purpose for your gift within Maine Behavioral Healthcare, please add that notation (e.g. Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s Signs of Hope event, etc.). Please also notify Cornell Stinson in the Development Office at when a stock transfer is made so that we can promptly identify and process your gift, and send you a gift receipt for tax purposes.

A growing number of donors are choosing to support charitable organizations, like Maine Behavioral Healthcare (MBH), through contributions made through a donor advised fund. A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations. If you are planning to make a gift to MBH through a DAF, please instruct your DAF advisor, broker or bank of the following information they will need to complete your recommended gift:

Charitable Organization: MaineHealth (MBH is a part of MaineHealth)
Tax ID: 01-0238552
Gift Purpose: Maine Behavioral Healthcare/specific program or purpose

Your DAF should send the confirmation letter and check to the Development Office, Maine Behavioral Healthcare, 1 Riverfront Plaza, Westbrook, ME 04092. Donors should also inform the MBH Development office of any gift being sent from a DAF. For questions about giving through a DAF, contact Cornell Stinson at or 207-661-6667.

Become a Monthly Donor

A recurring, monthly gift is a great and easy way to make a big impact while spreading out your gift over the year. To set up a recurring gift, please contact Malcolm Bennett at or 207-661-6612 or donate now and select "Recurring gift" for the gift type. Your card will be charged around the 1st of each month. You control when payments stop; simply contact us to end your monthly gift.

Leveraging Employer Matching Gifts

The employer matching gift program is a terrific way to increase the impact of your gift to Maine Behavioral Healthcare (MBH). There are many employers who will match the gifts of their employees to qualified non-profit organizations.

As a qualified non-profit, MaineHealth (Tax ID: 01-0238552) and MBH its behavioral healthcare subdivision, encourages you to leverage your gift to us with a matching gift from your employer. For example, if you make a gift of $50 to MBH, your employer may match your gift with a dollar for dollar match—an additional $50 that brings the total value of your impact to $100. When making a gift to MBH, contact your employer to find out if they match employee gifts.

Donors interested in supporting specific programs or purposes at Maine Behavioral Healthcare may do so by designating their gifts for that program or purpose, or for an existing special purpose fund. View a partial list of MBH special purpose funds. Donors may also establish new current use or endowed funds in support of a special purpose or existing program. A named current use fund may be established with a minimum gift of $2,500. These funds will operate and support the gift designation until the donated funds are spent, at which time the fund will end.

A named endowed fund may be established with a minimum gift of $10,000. The funding gift, and any future gifts added to it, will be permanently invested and restricted for the designated purpose. The interest only generated from the fund’s principal will be used to support the designated purpose on an annual basis. Endowed funds will support the designated purpose in perpetuity, providing a permanent revenue stream and lasting legacy from the donor’s generosity. To establish a named current use or endowed fund supporting MBH, please contact Cornell Stinson at or 207-661-6667.

You can provide long-term support to Maine Behavioral Healthcare through a variety of planned giving options including a bequest, which can bring a variety of financial rewards to you and your family. Whether you are thinking about a bequest, an annuity or setting up a trust, we would be happy to talk with you about the best way to include the organization in your plans.

For more information consult your financial planner, or contact the Development Office.