
Jay Kellegrew
- Year in ProgramFEL1
- HometownChelmsford, MA
- UndergraduateUniversity of Maryland, College Park
- Medical SchoolAlbany Medical College
- Interests / HobbiesAll things sports, both watching and playing. My favorite teams are of course the Pats and Sox. I'm also a big Tottenham Hotspur fan.
- If I wasn’t a doctor, I would be asports commentator.
- Personal quoteTrying out the area breweries. There is such a great food and drink scene in Southern Maine for me to explore.
- Favorite Place in MaineThe pool at my grandmother's house with my family
- Medical InterestsAnesthesiology with an emphasis on pediatrics and critical care
- Favorite weekend destinationCape Cod
- Favorite Maine activityFore Street, but always looking for recommendations. There are so many to try!
- What did you do before medical schoolI worked as a microbiologist handling stool testing. Great experience but quite smelly!
- Why Maine Medical Center?It was a friendly place that both my girlfriend and I could train in a challenging yet supportive learning environment near our families.
- Why Maine Medical CenterI had an amazing residency experience, so it was only natural to stay for fellowship. It helps that my wife works here too!

Liora Yehushua
- Year in ProgramFEL1
- HometownHaifa, Israel
- UndergraduateUC Santa Cruz
- Medical SchoolStony Brook School of Medicine
- Interests / HobbiesSnowboarding, car racing (autocross, track, rally racing), travel
- If I wasn’t a doctor, I would be aRace car driver
- Favorite restaurant in PortlandCan’t wait to try them all and choose one!
- Favorite place in MaineI don’t know, just moving there - can’t wait to find out!
- Medical interestsCardiothoracic anesthesia, Medical Missions/Global Health
- Favorite weekend destinationTo the racetrack!
- What did you do before Medical SchoolTraveled the world
- What did you do before medical schoolTraveled the world
- Best / Worst JobWorst job - data entry for IRD (New Zealand’s version of the IRS) - SO BORING!! Best job - anesthesiologist in San Diego at an all physician private practice group. Craziest job - art model in NYC art school.
- Why Maine Medical CenterThe faculty seem great and I have heard excellent things about the program.
- If I wasn't a doctor I would be aRace car driver