Maine Medical Center


GI Conferences

GI conferences will take place at noon, two weekdays per week. During this time, we will engage fellows in a variety of educational formats with the goal of expanding knowledge and sharing ideas and experience. Conferences will be in a mixed virtual-live format. Fellows are encouraged to attend in person to increase active participation and discussion. Each GI conference hour will be themed, examples include:

  • Core curriculum lecture series: These will be engaging, interactive, disease specific sessions delivered by our core faculty and fellows. The first two months will get the first-year fellow comfortable with common consults and GI emergencies. Principles of endoscopy will also be reviewed. During this introductory lecture series, second- and third-year fellows gain valuable leadership and teaching skills by delivering some of these lectures in the presence of the faculty.
  • Case conference series: Fellows will be paired with a faculty member to present a patient case followed by a case-based discussion reviewing the current literature and standard of care clinical practice unique to the case.
  • Journal club: To foster a commitment to life-long learning and appraisal of new research, our curriculum for fellows includes a monthly journal club presentation. Fellows will work with faculty to choose relevant articles and frame a discussion by reviewing how the article fits in the current understanding of the disease, treatment or biology being discussed. The goals are to simultaneously:
    • Review new studies
    • Develop discussion frameworks designed to critically appraise research with critical thinking and nuanced understanding
    • Generate excitement and interest in life-long learning
  • Morbidity and mortality conference: Fellows will be required to present at this conference to facilitate reflection, learning and in-depth analysis of cases with sub-optimal outcomes. This setting will be a non-punitive, department-wide forum for fellows to perform root cause analysis on such cases. Multidisciplinary and interprofessional engagement will be encouraged as well as evidence-based approaches to improving future practice. Fellows will be paired with faculty to assist with choosing and presenting the case.
  • Gastroenterology grand rounds: This will be an opportunity to invite leading experts to present cutting-edge research and updates in disease-specific areas. Sub-specialists and core faculty will also present annual MHMMC gastroenterology and hepatology updates. Third year fellows will be expected to present their research at this forum.
  • Board review: Each fellow will have access to AGA’s DDSEP curriculum and question bank along with other ABIM GI specialty board review materials. Fellows will rotate presenting board style questions to the section and answer review along with discussion of test taking strategies.

Graduate Medical Education Wellness Resources

Sometimes, wellness can be challenging during the rigors of post-graduate training. The MaineHealth Department of Medical Education is committed to the well-being of our employees, residents and fellows.