Maine Medical Center

Apply & Contact

A patient walking in through the main entrance of the MaineHealth Cancer Care clinic

Application Process

  • MHMMC supports a total of six Hematology and Oncology Fellowship positions in each of the three years of training. Candidates must have successfully completed three years of internal medicine training in an ACGME-approved residency program and be board-eligible in internal medicine.
  • Program applications are accepted through the online Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).
  • Our program leadership reviews each completed applicant file and makes the decision as to who will be invited for an interview.
  • Fellowship positions are offered through the Medical Specialties Matching Program of the National Resident Matching Program.


  • Letter from Residency Program Director
  • Two additional letters of reference from attending physicians you have worked with at a U.S. teaching hospital during your residency.
  • USMLE or COMLEX transcripts
  • We accept J-1 Visas only


Program leadership will evaluate each application prior to extending an invitation to interview. Potential interviewees will be notified by telephone or email. A formal interview is required to be considered for our program. We do not review incomplete applications. All interviews will be performed remotely.

Contact Us

Program Manager 

Mae L'Heureux 
Phone: 207-662-5112

MaineHealth Maine Medical Center
22 Bramhall Street
Portland, ME 04102