Maine Medical Center
Two care team members holding a conversation with three other adults in a bright room

Research & Teaching


We believe that developing each fellows’ skills as educators is an important part of the palliative medicine fellowship. The MHMMC Department of Medical Education and Institute for Teaching Excellence provides extensive opportunities for our fellows to expand their skills. 

Scholarly Experience 

A distinguishing feature of the Hospice and Palliative Care Fellowship is its association with the Center for Interdisciplinary Population and Health Research (CIPHR)  at the MaineHealth Institute for Research. The Fellowship Program Director, Dr. Rebecca Hutchinson, actively conducts research and is an investigator at CIPHR. 

There are many opportunities for fellows to engage in research related to their interests in palliative medicine. All fellows are expected to complete a scholarly project. In the recent past fellows have done quality improvement projects, quantitative research, and developed business models to use in future work environments.