Maine Medical Center
Providers conferencing over a hospital bed

Apply & Contact

Application Process

MHMMC supports four nephrology fellowship positions (two positions per year). Candidates must have successfully completed three years of training in internal medicine in an approved allopathic or osteopathic training program and be board-eligible in internal medicine.

Candidate selection is based on the quality of previous training in internal medicine, evaluations of competence by the internal medicine program director and other references, and personal qualities of the candidates as evaluated during the interview process. Effective communication skills, including the ability to work with and relate effectively to others, are extremely important.


We accept applications from U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and those training on J-1 visas. Interested applicants must use the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and submit:

  • Letter from residency program director
  • Two additional letters of reference from attending physicians you have worked with at a U.S. teaching hospital during your residency
  • We do not sponsor H1B visas


Interviews are by invitation only. We evaluate each application prior to extending an invitation to interview. A formal interview is required to be considered for our program. The committee will not review incomplete applications. Potential interviewees will be notified by telephone or e-mail.

Additional Information


Program Manager
Mae L'Heureux
Phone: 207-662-7872
Fax: 207-662-6306

Program Director
Hassan Mahmoud, MD
MaineHealth Maine Medical Center
22 Bramhall Street
Portland, ME  04102