Nephrology Conferences
Didactic clinical conferences and discussion seminars are the backbone of the nephrology curriculum. Listed below are descriptions of the conferences and seminars that are a routine part of the Nephrology services and training of fellows, as well as the continuing education of the nephrology faculty.
This is an informal conference series designed to provide incoming fellows with an initial overview of areas of commonly encountered nephrology problems. These are provided by nephrology faculty.
Nephrology faculty and guest lecturers present didactic material as well as scholarly material in mephrology, basic science, and allied fields.
This is a major clinical teaching forum in which interesting clinical cases and difficult diagnostic dilemmas are presented to the attending staff. Differential diagnoses are developed. Renal histology is presented when appropriate, and pathophysiology and therapy are discussed. Each fellow will present on average one case conference per month with guidance from faculty.
Two pathology conferences are held per month. Conducted by our nephropathologist, biopsy specimens are reviewed and discussed, along with diagnostic and therapeutic conclusions.
A relevant article from the current nephrology or scientific literature is assigned to the group for critical perusal. The fellow leads an in-depth review of the experimental design and scientific conclusion based on the data presented.
Fellows participate in a variety of ad hoc conferences pertinent to their involvement in specific patient care activities and rotations, including Root Cause Analysis meetings, Outpatient dialysis QA/QI meetings, MaineHealth Nephrology quality team meetings, and care transitions projects.