Steven Alexandre Greenberg
- Year in ProgramFEL1
- HometownGlenelg, MD
- UndergraduateElon University
- Medical SchoolWake Forest University School of Medicine
- Interests / HobbiesHiking, HIIT and History
- If I wasn’t a doctor, I would be aI always wanted to be an Astronaut but more realistically I would’ve likely followed the rest of my family in a military career.
- Medical interestsProcedural Ultrasound and Medical education
- Favorite weekend destinationYou'll probably find me in a state park taking a hike with my family
- What did you do before medical school: I completed an MS from Case Western working specifically with mesenchymal stem cells in the field of cartilage regeneration.
- Best / Worst JobWorking as an EMT was tremendous fun, but those shifts could be brutal
- Why Maine Medical CenterGreat diversity in sports coverage, excellent mentorship and that coast life experience!
- Celebrity I most resembleI want to say a really unfortunate mix between Zinedine Zidane and Larry David.

Justin Ham
- Year in ProgramFEL1
- HometownEdgewater, NJ
- UndergraduateRutgers University
- Medical SchoolUniversity of New England
- Interests / HobbiesTravel, cooking (and eating), and running
- If I wasn’t a doctor, I would be aa chef or a travel blogger
- Favorite restaurant in PortlandUnion
- Favorite place in MaineOgunquit in Summer
- Medical interestsInjury prevention, ultrasound, nutrition
- Favorite weekend destinationBoston
- Favorite Maine activityskiing and visiting breweries
- What did you do before medical schoolWorked in marketing and public relations
- Best / Worst JobI never had a terrible job! Some days can be tough but all jobs I have had were meaningful in one way or another
- Why Maine Medical CenterWhen I did my elective rotation at MMC, I fell in love with the culture and the people of the Program. I had lived in Portland during medical school, so I already knew what a great place it was to live here. Overall, it was the best option for me to learn, experience, and grow during the last year of my medical training.
- Celebrity I most resembleJon Hamm; I look nothing like him, but people always make the connection for my last name