Maine Medical Center
group photo of the internal medicine-pediatrics residents outside in front of a large tree

Scholarly Activity

We regard training in research, QI, and education as an important part of your education during residency. Residents participate in scholarly activities including quality improvement, curriculum development, and bench and clinical research, which are presented at local, regional and national meetings. There is a QI curriculum spread over all 4 years of your residency.

Medicine-Pediatrics residents have access to resources and faculty from both Departments. Research Navigators in our internal medicine and pediatrics departments help support resident QI and research projects. Residents also get one-on-one mentoring on QI and research participation from program leadership and faculty to help them complete a project (or more than one!) during their residencies.

The MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR) is the basic science and clinic research arm of MaineHealth, and we encourage you to visit their website for insight into our scientific programs. The Center for Interdisciplinary Population and Health Research (CIPHRE) is the population health research arm of MHIR.

For those with an interest in a clinician-educator track, the MaineHealth Institute for Teaching Excellence (MITE) acts as a hub for resources, and education for medical educators.

Other MHMMC Scholarly Activities Resources:

Recent Resident Scholarly Activity

Tsui, C., Cooper, J., Reducing Climate Impact through improved inhaler prescribing practices. Costas Lambrew Research Conference. QI Presentation. May 2024. Portland, Maine.

Long, S., Lederfine-Paskal, M. Gordon, L. Easing the Transition from Intern to Senior Resident: A Targeted, Six-Week Curriculum. Academic Internal Medicine Week 2024. Poster Presentation. April 15, 2024. Columbus, OH.

Tsui, C., Cooper, J., Landry, J., O’Donnell, B., Thomas, R.S., Reducing Climate Impact through improved inhaler prescribing practices. Maine AAP. Poster Case Presentation. March 2024. Rockport, Maine.

Tsui, C. Bayingana, C., Diminick, N., A Curious Case of Chest Pain - Streptococcus Mitis Endocarditis. Maine AAP. Poster Case Presentation. March 2024. Rockport, Maine.

Ludwig, M., Chaleff, S., Sze, S. Expanding the Differential for epistaxis: Evans Syndrome presenting as recurrent nosebleeds. Maine AAP. Poster Case Presentation. April 2023. Rockport, ME.

Al-HIlli A, Mathes J, Kerney J, Alter AA. The Shock and Awe of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome, abstractt and poster presentation, Chest Annual Meeting October 2023; Honolulu, HI

Iyer J, Doctor D, Mathes J. The Perfect Cloudy Storm, Maine American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Annual Meeting April 2023; Rockport, ME

Lazur, S., Ludwig, M., Murray, L. The Calm before the Storm: Undertreated Graves’ disease presenting with GI distress. Maine AAP. Poster Case Presentation. April 2023. Rockport, Maine.

Tsui C, Chadwick K, Snydman L, Chatalbash A, Liu A, Hudak N, Bullis E. Navigating Microaggressions in the Hospital: Creating Allyship and Empowerment in Medical Students. Society of Hospital Medicine Converge. Austin, TX. March 2023

Behmer, R.G., Thomas, R.S., and Jarawan, H.T. Urticarial Rash in a Patient with Alpha-Gal Syndrome Caused by Subcutaneous Heparin at Prophylactic Dosing: A Case Report, Journal of Maine Medical Center: Vol. 4 : Iss. 2 , Article 9. (2022)

Tsui C, Chadwick K, Snydman L, Chatalbash A, Liu A, Hudak N, Bullis E. Navigating Microaggressions in the Hospital: Creating Allyship and Empowerment in Medical Students. Society of Hospital Medicine District 1 Regional Scientific Abstract Competition. Virtual. November 2022

R. Rothwell, K Diamond-Falk, “A 24 year old with Esophageal Mass and Cavitary Lung Lesion” SGIM 2022 New England Regional Meeting, Boston, MA, September 2022

Onderko L, Prajapati B, Craig L, Morgan E. Takotsubo’s Cardiomyopathy: Clinical Characteristics in the Rural State of Maine, Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat, Portland, ME, May 2022

Prajapati B, Onderko L, Chandler D, Francis S. Social Determinants of Care in the Cardiology Fellow’s Clinic, Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat, Portland, ME, May 2022.

A Gagnon, G DeOliveira, R Behmer, L McElwain: ALCAPA: A Heart Breaking Cause of FTT, Maine American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Annual Meeting April 2022; Rockport, ME

Kornkven A, Diamond-Falk K, Felix, B, Schaumburg J, Nuki G "Development of an Immigrant Health Elective", Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Week 2022 in Charlotte, NC. April 10-13, 2022

Vance JC, Onderko L, Afari ME, Francis SA. Double jeopardy: An unusual case of myocarditis following ICI-associated dermatopathy. ACC Annual Meeting, April 2022; Washington, DC.

Prajapati BB, Monti J. Myopia in the Diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome: An Important Early Sign of a Systemic Condition. Cureus. 2022 Mar 30;14(3):e23651

Prajapati BB, Filippi A, Sears EH. Chronic Joint Pain in a Young Adult With Cystic Fibrosis. Cureus. 2021 Aug 16;13(8):e17229.

Hidu, E. Tooth Triage: Disparities in Dental Health, Lecture, Maine Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Spring Educational Series, May 2021.

Rizzolo K, Lena S, Jabe M, Schaumburg J, Vakil-Gilani, K, Rebusi, N, Stade D, Nadeau, Toma N, King B, Gordon L. Community as Medicine: Creation of a Trauma-Informed Yoga Program for Female Immigrants in the Primary Care Setting. Journal of Maine Medical Center, 3:1, January 2021.

Morgan, E., Micronutrient Deficiency in IBD; An Underappreciated Complication. Maine ACP Annual Meeting, Portland, ME, October 2020;

Hidu, E. Think Zebras: A 43 yo Woman with Recurrent Pneumonia, Lecture, Maine Chapter of the American College of Physician's Annual Meeting, Portland, ME, September 2020.

Schaumburg J, Armstrong B, Janis J, McAuliffe A, Thakarar K. Trends in Infective Endocarditis: Assessing the impact of an inpatient addiction medicine consult service. Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat, May 2020.

Rizzolo K, Jaber M, Schaumburg J, Vakil-Gilani, K, Rebusi N. Evaluation of a Resident-Driven Trauma Sensitive Yoga Program for Female Immigrant Primary Care Patients. Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat, May 2020.

Subba H, McKenna A, Wirth J. Evaluation of Serial Biomarkers in Intermediate Risk Acute Pulmonary Embolism Patients (BioPE): A Pilot Prospective Observational Study, Costas T. Lambrew Research Retreat, May 2020.

Schaumburg J, Member, American Society of Addiction Medicine COVID-19 Task Force, Caring for Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemics: Infection Control and Mitigation Strategies in Residential Treatment Facilities. April 2020.

MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR) specializes in the biomedical application of molecular and cellular analysis. Its mission is to provide the community with state-of-the-art early detection, diagnosis, and prognosis of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and bone and mineral disease as well as conduct hematology and immunology research. MHIR, located five miles away from the hospital campus in Scarborough, houses research and development capabilities in both basic and applied biomedical research

MHIR activities are divided into five main working areas: platelet biology, molecular genetics, tumor biology, clinical cytometry, and immunogenetics. The Center for Molecular Medicine includes work in molecular and cellular biology, molecular genetics, molecular oncology, and vascular biology. The Biomedical Research Group conducts research in endocrinology, hematology, lipids, Lyme disease, and nephrology. Clinical laboratories include flow cytometry and molecular pathology.