Maine Medical Center
Close-up view of two surgeons in an operating room

Research & Academic Tracks

Both faculty and residents are engaged in lifelong learning pursuits ranging from presenting at grand rounds to grant-funded clinical and educational studies. Faculty interests are diverse, and interested residents can find mentors in many areas of investigation. MHMMC is also affiliated with a world-class research center, MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR) that is home to a wide variety of basic science and clinical labs.

At the resident level, required surgeon-scholar activities are as follows:

  • All residents are required to participate in Journal Clubs.
  • At the PGY2 level, residents complete a one day Clinical and Translational Research course.
  • At the PGY4 level, residents give a grand rounds presentation (50 minutes) on a topic of their choosing.
  • At the PGY5 level, residents participate in our Annual Spring Surgical Symposium and present on a topic of their interest.

As residents progress in their training and develop their clinical interests, they are expected to take part in at least one formal research project that can then be presented at a meeting as a poster or podium talk. Residents whose presentations are accepted receive departmental funding to support their trip. Research projects will be discussed during meetings with the program director every 6 months during semiannual evaluation.

Scholarly Activity

Below is a sampling of the scholarly activity our residents have been involved in over the past two years.

Bridget Olsen, MD  PGY3

  • Heidt N, Whiting JF, Falank C, Olsen BC, et al. Educational Value of Surgical Residents Operating as Teaching Assistant. J Surg Educ. 2023;80(11):1522-1528. doi:10.1016/j.jsurg.2023.06.008
  • Olsen BC, Barron SL, Gutheil CM, et al. Understanding the Effect of Bias on the Experience of Women Surgeons: A Qualitative Study. J Am Coll Surg. 2022;234(6):1064-1072. doi:10.1097/XCS.0000000000000162

Both presented at the New England Surgical Society in 2022 and 2023 respectively.

Liam Trimble, DO  PGY3

  • “Extragonadal Perirectal Mature Cystic Teratoma in the Adult Male" - published in CRSLS October 2022, presented at 2023 ASCRS annual meeting
  • "Evaluating MMC's OR Triaging" - presented at 2024 Maine ACS Conference 
  • “Validation of a Disease-Specific Survival Model for Resected Entero-Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms.” - 2024 SSO annual meeting

Laura Nicolais, MD  PGY5


  • Nicolais L, Mohamed A, Fitzgerald T. Removal of drains after pancreaticoduodenectomy: Optimizing timing and amylase level. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterolgy and Hepatology. October 10, 2023.
  • Mohamed A, Nicolais L, Fitzgerald T. Defining factors associated with textbook outcomes in hepaticopancreaticobiliary surgery. HPB. September 2023.
  • Nicolais L, Mohamed A, McGillivray D, Verdini N, Inhorn R, Dugan M, Hayward C, Fitzgerald TL. Improved overall survival of patients with pancreatic cancer through multiagent chemotherapy and increased rates of surgical resection.  Accepted to The American Surgeon.
  • Nicolais L, Brown A, Mohamed A, Clark D, Fitzgerald T.  Preoperative downstaging of pancreatic cancer is associated with improved survival after multi-agent chemotherapy, but not after radiation.  Surgical Oncology. March 2023.
  • Kelly B, Nicolais L, Mohamed A, Fitzgerald T. Contemporary treatment paradigms are associated with improved survival in pancreatic cancer. The American Surgeon. Online March 2023.
  • Mohamed A, Nicolais L, Fitzgerald T. Pancreatic cancer with vascular involvement: Deviation from the standard-of care is associated with decreased survival. The American Surgeon. February 2023.
  • Mohamed A, Nicolais L, Fitzgerald T. Predicting loss of independence after high risk abdominal surgery: Frailty versus the NSQIP Risk Calculator. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 48(6): 1433-1438


  • Nicolais L, Caron M, Verdini N, Fitzgerald FL. Pathologic tumor regression is associated with improved survival in pancreatic cancer. Podium Presentation: Southeastern Surgical Congress; 2023 February 14.
  • Kelly B, Nicolais L, Fitzgerald T. Contemporary treatment paradigms increase survival in pancreatic cancer. Podium Presentation: Southeastern Surgical Congress; 2023 February 13.
  • Nicolais L. Brown R. Qualitative analysis following a mindfulness intervention in colorectal surgery. American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting; 2023 June 6.
  • Nicolais L, Fitzgerald TL. Individualizing care for gallbladder cancer with use of a survival nomogram. Oral podium presentation at: New England Surgical Society Annual Meeting; 2022 September 16-18.
  • Nicolais L, Quaye A, Hubbs R, Richards J, Fitzgerald T. Frailty and physiologic stress of surgery as predictor for loss of independence: A patient centered outcome. Poster session presented at: 24th Annual Clinical and Translational Science Graduate Program Symposium; 2022 May 6.
  • Nicolais L, Falank C, Mack J, Morse B, Cullinane D, Rappold J, Ontengco J, Ciraulo D, Shepard F. Rib fractures in geriatric trauma: A review of 1,037 cases at a single level 1 trauma center. Poster presentation at: Association for Clinical and Translational Science 2022; April 19-22.
  • Nicolais L, Mohamed A, Litterini A, Fitzgerald T. Leveraging the Delphi Method to develop an evidence-based prehabilitation regimen.  Poster presentation at: Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society Annual Meeting; 2022 January 28-29.

Jack Vernamonti, MD  PGY5


  • Imel S, Lotakis D, Vernamonti J…Ralls M. Hirschsprung Disease and Intestinal Malrotation: A Rare Association with Unique Perioperative Considerations. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Open 11/2023
  • Ricard C, Plewa D, Vernamonti J…Benoit E. Needs Assessment for a Resuscitative Thoracotomy Curriculum for General Surgery Residents in the Northeast Region. Journal of Surgical Education Epub 9/2023
  • Holste K, Vernamonti J, Gadepalli S…Garton H; Ventriculo-atrial and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt malfunction and infection in infants with necrotizing enterocolitis; Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics. Epub June 14, 2023
  • Vernamonti J, Bowen-Jallow K, Cockrell H…Newman E. Views of American Pediatric Surgeons on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Epub April 24, 2023.
  • Lotakis D, Vernamonti J, Ehrlich P, Gadepalli S. Utility of Procalcitonin in Discriminating Sepsis from Neuro-storming in Children with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury; Journal of Surgical Research. 2023 Apr 25; 289:129-134
  • Kyros P, Vernamonti J, Sheppard F,…Morse B. Outcomes of Protocol-Driven Venous Thromboembolic Chemo-Prophylaxis in Trauma Patients: A Trauma Quality Improvement Project (TQIP) Analysis. The American Surgeon, 02/2023
  • Vernamonti J, Lotakis D, Hartman H, Dougherty D, Jarboe M. Ultrasound Assessment Of Abdominal Adhesions In Neonates: Data Over Dogma For Reoperation Timing; Pediatric Surgery International. 2023 Mar 1; 39 (1):143
  • Thompson A. Glick H, Rubalcava N, Vernamonti J, Speck K.E; Implementation Science Fundamentals: Pediatric Surgery ERAS Protocol for Pectus Repair; Journal of Surgical Research. 2023 Mar; 283:313-323.
  • Vernamonti J, Bowen-Jallow K, Paredes A, …Newman E; Diversity and Demographics of APSA members: Understanding our Identity; Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2023 Jan; 58(1): 167-171
  • Vernamonti J, Bowen-Jallow K, Paredes A, …Newman E; APSA Members Experience Bias and Discrimination in Training and Practice; Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2023 Jan; 58(1):172-176.
  • Vernamonti J, Hauck C, Santos E, …Ehrlich P; Do Preoperative Factors Predict Success of Antegrade Continence Enemas in Children? Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2023 Jan; 58(1):52-55.
  • Vernamonti J, Kartal T, Overman E, Speck K. E; Tunneled Central Venous Catheters in Young Children: Complication Profile Can Guide Choice of Line. Journal of Surgical Research. 2023 Mar; 283:19-23.

Lucero Paredes, MD  PGY2, Research Resident, 2022-2025

Conference Presentations

  • Paredes LG, Raman U, Gawel M, Vega P, O’Neill K, Neddd A, Dodington J. (2024, April 13-16). An Unconditional Cash Transfer Program for Survivors of Firearm Injury: A Strategy to Address Community Gun Violence [Podium Presentation]. 2024 American College of Surgeons Leadership & Advocacy Summit, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Abaya R, Paredes LG, Dodington J, Kaufman E, Hohl B, Mancheno C, Flynn K, Johnson K. (2023, November 1-3). Unconditional Cash Transfer and Guaranteed Basic Income for Survivors of Firearm Violence: Experiences from Two Pilot Studies in Urban Centers [Podium Presentation]. 2023