Let’s Go! uses evidence-based strategies to promote policies and environmental changes that make it easier for people to live healthy, active lives. We track strategy implementation through annual surveys with our enrolled sites, and monitor obesity rates and behavior data through the Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey, a state survey given to school children every other year. In addition, we monitor awareness and knowledge of the program through an annual family member survey.


Early Care and Education Programs

Out-of-School Programs

School Nutrition (Cafeterias)

Health Care Practices (5-2-1-0)

Health Care Practices (Small Steps)
2021-2022 Site Impact Survey
Overall, 71.2% of enrolled sites responded to the survey in 2022. Let's Go!'s multi-setting model allows us to reach early care and education programs, schools, school nutrition programs, out-of-school programs, and health care practices (pediatric and adult) and unite them in the goal of encouraging families to engage in healthy eating and active living.
Percentage of community sites implementing each strategy
• Early Care and Education (n=325) • School (n=216) • Out-of-School (n=83)

Limit unhealthy choices for snacks and celebrations; provide healthy options
"We no longer allow families to bring in food for celebrations, instead we have birthday crowns for each child and we have a special birthday box where they can choose a special prize/gift on their birthday."
Let's Go! Penobscot

Limit or eliminate sugary drinks and promote water as the drink of choice
"We appreciate the ease of having a school water bottle for each student and the water bottle filling stations."
Let's Go! Mt. Washington Valley

Prohibit using food as a reward
"We give bookmarks, or small trinkets as rewards rather than food. We also have extra activity time as a reward."
Let's Go! Androscoggin

Provide opportunities for physical activity daily
"Our Spanish class has regular dance time! Most classes take walking breaks."
Let's Go! Hancock & Washington Counties

Limit recreational screen time
"We celebrated screen free week with a week of activities and contests for students. We encouraged students to choose physical activity instead of screen time."
Let's Go! Southern Kennebec
Percentage of health care sites implementing each strategy

Let's Go! poster or public service announcement is displayed in the waiting area

Let's Go! poster is displayed in all exam rooms

All providers routinely have BMI determined for patients age two years and older

All providers routinely counsel on Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) using the Healthy Habits Questionnaire

All providers routinely monitor weight-for-length measurements in patients younger than two years of age to check for crossing of percentiles

All providers routinely assess patients age two years and older with a BMI ≥85 percentile for health risk factors

Let's Go! poster or public service announcement is displayed in the waiting area

Let's Go! poster is displayed in all exam rooms

All providers routinely have BMI determined for patients age two years and older

All providers routinely counsel on Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) using the Healthy Habits Questionnaire

All providers routinely monitor weight-for-length measurements in patients younger than two years of age to check for crossing of percentiles

All providers routinely assess patients age two years and older with a BMI ≥85 percentile for health risk factors
Thanks to our 2022 Funders
We are appreciative of those who provide partnership and support to Let’s Go! This support enables us to continue our focus on community engagement to support environmental and policy change efforts facilitating healthy eating and active living throughout Maine and Carroll County, New Hampshire. Be sure to check out our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan.

Over the years, we have received generous funding from the following organizations and individuals:
Anthem Foundation
The Bingham Foundation
Col. Manley E. Rogers
The Estate of Mary R. Hodes
Fairchild Semiconductor
Francis Hollis Brain Foundation
Hannaford Bros. Company
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation
HRK Fund
Jane's Trust
Leonard C. & Mildred F. Ferguson Foundation
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Maine Department of Health & Human Services/ARRA
Maine Health Access Foundation
Maine Cancer Foundation
Maine Medical Center
The Mattina R. Proctor Foundation
Marta M. Frank
New Balance Foundation
National Institute for Children's Health Quality (NICHQ)
Poland Spring/Nestle Waters North America
The Rite Aid Foundation
Sam L. Cohen Foundation
TDBank/TD Charitable Foundation
Tides Foundation
United Way of Greater Portland
Visiting Board of the Children's Hospital
Walmart Foundation
Bolded organizations are Founding Partners