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Dialysis is an artificial way of cleansing your blood when your kidneys can no longer do it. Dialysis does not cure kidney failure.


Ear, Nose & Throat Care | Otolaryngology

MaineHealth ear, nose and throat doctors (ENTs) treat a variety of conditions in adults and children.


Edema Care

Edema is swelling that ranges in severity and can lead to trouble walking or even difficulty taking a breath. Sometimes people limit or stop daily activities.


Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

Information about local psychiatry services and resources from our affiliates and community.


Epstein Barr Virus Mononucleosis

Epstein-Barr is a virus that comes from the herpes family and often is the cause of infectious mononucleosis (mono). The virus can leave you feeling ill for weeks.


Esophageal Manometry | Anorectal Manometry

<p style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;">Do you or a loved one need to have an esophageal&nbsp;manometry or an anorectal manometry? The tests help your doctor with diagnosis and treatment.</p>


Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass is a common, safe option for weight loss surgery. The skilled specialists at MaineHealth provide surgery and support to qualified patients.



Have you been diagnosed with glaucoma? You’re not alone. Glaucoma is a common group of eye problems that can lead to blindness. It’s important to get treatment.



Glomerulonephritis is a group of kidney diseases causing the tiny filters in the kidneys not to work properly. They do not filter waste as they should.


Grief Support

Learn more about grief support services in Maine and New Hampshire.