Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) does not have to control your life. MaineHealth is here to help if you think you should be screened for PTSD. There is no cure for PTSD but you can reduce and manage symptoms with treatment.

What is post-traumatic stress disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health illness triggered by a terrorizing, shocking or scary event. These events can cause panic, anxiety or fear of danger. People with PTSD can still function but may experience strong reactions to non-threatening situations.

Post-traumatic stress disorder risk factors

It is natural to feel afraid during or after a traumatic experience. Examples of traumatic events that could cause PTSD include:

  • Accidents
  • Death or near death of loved one
  • Natural disasters (such as hurricanes or floods)
  • Abuse
  • Sexual assault
  • Terror attack
  • War

PTSD symptoms

People can experience symptoms immediately after their experience, or years later. Patients who experience trauma or a frightening event may have shock and lingering emotions long after the event is over. They may feel anxiety, nightmares or have flashbacks. There are different types of PTSD symptoms.

  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Vivid memories
  • Feeling hostile or angry
  • Feeling overly worried about personal safety
  • Avoiding certain places, events or objects
  • Avoiding thoughts or feelings related to event
  • Being on edge
  • Sleep issues
  • Being easily startled
  • Experiencing angry outbursts

Young children with PTSD may:

  • Frequently wet the bed
  • Have trouble speaking or forget how to speak

MaineHealth cares about your physical and mental health

Counseling, therapy and other behavioral health services are available at most MaineHealth primary care practices. Contact your primary care provider for more information.

Maine Behavioral Healthcare

Call 1-844-292-0111 to get the care you need.