Patient Education

Consistent patient education across all care locations helps MaineHealth achieve the best possible health outcomes

The MaineHealth patient education department is here to help MaineHealth care team members provide high quality patient education with a focus on health literacy.

Browse available patient education content

Accessible through any network desktop and Epic, the Portal allows you to print or order hard copies of many patient education materials. 

This library includes thousands of Healthwise and MaineHealth-developed patient instructions and educational articles. Education can be printed at the point of care or inserted into an After Visit Summary. Healthwise articles refer patients to the online Healthwise Knowledgebase Library for more detailed information and resources. 

An online library of health education articles, interactive tools, and videos.  Articles can be printed with the MaineHealth logo by using the “advanced printing options” button at the bottom of each article. 

View the library.


If you can’t find what you are looking for, MaineHealth health literacy specialists can help find or develop patient education including:

  • Print materials: handouts, booklets and rack cards
  • Digital: online classes, audio and e-books, webpage health education articles in the Healthwise Knowledgebase Library
  • Electronic Medical Record: patient education for the After Visit Summary

Care team health literacy education

Our training program can help care teams adopt patient-centered communication, health literacy and plain language standards. In addition to our health literacy onboarding education module, we can create customized training opportunities to meet your specific needs–including short workshops, day-long trainings, brown bag lunch sessions, web-based learning modules and more. 

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