Maine Behavioral Healthcare

Residential Housing

Maine Behavioral Healthcare provides a variety of residential treatment options for adults with mental illness. Services range from the least intensive Community Rehabilitation Apartment programs, to the most intensive Level IV Group Homes. Our residences are staffed by trained residential care professionals.

What are the benefits of community and supported living?

Research shows that community and supported living can be an important step in attaining recovery for people with mental illness.

  • Community living reduces stigma. People with mental illness living in apartments or community housing are more accepted, less lonely, and have a greater quality of live compared to those in specialized treatment facilities.
  • Housing improves overall functioning and quality of life. Research shows improved cognitive and social skills, less disability, and higher levels of self-care.
  • High-quality housing reduces hospital readmission rates. Lack of quality housing can contribute to the “revolving door” phenomenon experienced by so many people with mental illness.
  • Housing has a critical effect on relapse rates. One study concluded that when people need both residential and psychiatric services, housing is more important than psychiatric services for the clients’ ability to stay in the community.
  • The vast majority of people (80-90%) with severe mental illness would prefer to live in the community as opposed to a psychiatric institution.

Available Services and Contact Information

Community Rehabilitation Apartments are a transition living step to more permanent, independent housing. Residents of this program are more psychiatrically stable and better at managing their illnesses. This program offers residents the opportunity and responsibility of greater independence. Staff support is more limited than in group homes and are focused on residents’ practicing independent living skills, including: self-care, cooking, cleaning, money management, and leisure time planning. Residents generally have a commitment to work, school, or volunteerism outside of the residential program. They also accept greater responsibility for self-medication.

Services include:

  • Residential staff provides support 12 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Periodic coordination with treatment providers
  • Crisis management, as needed on 24/7 basis
  • Medication monitoring and support of resident self-medication
  • Periodic family communication
  • Resident goal planning
  • Recovery and life enrichment focus

Community Rehab Apartments:

  • The Elms, North Berwick
  • Belfast Community Rehabilitation, Belfast

Maine Behavioral Healthcare operates six group homes, two supported living programs, and one supported apartment programs. These group homes are licensed by the Maine State Department of Health and Human Services. Each home accommodates 3 to 10 adults with support available on site 24 hours a day. The programs are transitional in nature and designed to help residents recover, improve their health and well-being, and develop skills for more independent living. Residents share in household responsibilities like meal planning and preparation, and participate in planned social activities.

Services include:

  • Monitoring of medication management
  • Coordination of mental health and physical healthcare needs
  • Training in daily living skills
  • Learning to manage benefits and entitlements
  • Training in use of public transportation and community resources
  • Access to day programs and job training
  • Assistance with symptom management
  • Rehabilitation counseling
  • Referral for substance abuse treatment services

Group Homes/Supported Apartments/Supported Living:

  • Crescent Place, Biddeford – Level III Group Home
  • Grace Street, Rockland – Level III Group Home
  • Pleasant Street, Rockland – Level III Group Home
  • Cedar Street, Rockland – Level III Group Home
  • Woodbridge, York – Level IV Group Home
  • Owl’s Head, Owl’s Head – Level IV Group Home
  • Warren Street, Rockland – Supported Apartments
  • Belfast Residential, Belfast – Supported Apartments
  • Bacon Street, Biddeford – Supported Living
  • High Street, Sanford – Supported Living
For more information about Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s Residential and Supported Housing Services, please call 844-292-0111.