Maine Medical Center

Oncology Behavioral Health

A cancer diagnosis can cause many tough emotions. Our cancer care team includes clinical cancer social workers and a board certified psychiatrist. We can help you cope with the many emotions of a cancer diagnosis. We offer therapy and medication consultation to patients who are struggling with their cancer diagnosis.

What can I expect at my first visit?

A social worker will talk with you about your emotional concerns. They will work with you to create a plan for your care. The social worker may provide therapy services or give you information about private therapists in the community. If medicine might be needed for you, then we will schedule you to talk with the psychiatrist. Usually these visits last about an hour.

What can I expect when I talk with the psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist will talk with you about your current emotional concerns and mental health history. You and the psychiatrist will agree on a care plan, which may include medicines to help you feel better. If medicines are recommended, the psychiatrist will talk with you about the different medicines available. The psychiatrist will work with your oncologist or family doctor to make sure those prescriptions are filled. Usually these appointments last about an hour.

What happens after I talk with the psychiatrist?

Usually you have one visit with the psychiatrist but sometimes you may need more. Follow up visits are about 20 minutes. We may also refer you to community providers for longer term treatment, if needed.

What if my symptoms worsen or I have questions after the consultation?

Please talk to your social worker, oncologist, or family doctor. They can contact the psychiatrist with concerns or refer you back for a follow up visit.

Will I be billed for this service?

We do bill insurance for visits with the psychiatrist and for counseling with the social workers. Please contact your insurance provider for details about your behavioral health benefits.