Maine Medical Center

Canvas Learning Management System

Canvas is used for residency, fellowship and continuing education. If you are looking for institutional e-learns, please use the MaineHealth learning management system (LMS). 

Select a login option to access Canvas

Use the "MaineHealth Users” button if you have an "" email address. If you are not automatically logged in, enter your MaineHealth email address and password when prompted.

Use the “MaineHealth Friends” button if you do not have a MaineHealth email address. Use your email address as your user name. You will be prompted to set a password. If you have forgotten your password, use the “Forgot Password” function on the “MaineHealth Friends” page.

Please use only Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Safari to access Canvas at If you are using an auto login computer or a computer that you are not logged in to, please access Canvas via the Apps Portal.

Canvas Access Instructions

Questions about using or accessing Canvas?

Please contact us at