MaineHealth Behavioral Health was founded in 2014 when several behavioral health care organizations merged: Community Counseling Center (CCC), Counseling Services, Inc. (CSI), Mid-Coast Mental Health Center (MCMHC), Spring Harbor Community Services, and Spring Harbor Hospital. Previously, the network of these behavioral health care providers was called Maine Mental Health Partners (MMHP).
A history of excellence
While health care organization mergers are not unusual, the new MaineHealth Behavioral Health is unique to our state. No other behavioral health organization in Maine has the breadth, depth and reach of MaineHealth Behavioral Health, combining three large community mental health agencies with southern Maine’s only psychiatric hospital, all under the umbrella of the state’s largest integrated behavioral health care delivery system. MaineHealth Behavioral Health serves as a regional and national model for high-quality, integrated, accessible and navigable behavioral health care.

Our inpatient psychiatric hospital treats serious mental health issues in a healing, professional environment.

Support behavioral health care in your community and the critical services provided by our care team.