The MaineHealth Lincoln Hospital Family Birth Center provides safe and supportive childbirth services in Damariscotta, Maine.
Supportive labor and delivery care, close to home
Our hospital was the first in Maine and the fifth in the nation to be designated Baby Friendly by the World Health Organization (WHO). Our mission is to create a safe and supportive atmosphere for childbirth. We provide a relaxed, comfortable childbirth environment that welcomes the support of family and friends.
Advanced diagnostic technology is available onsite and if your baby is born prematurely or with a health condition that requires intensive care, referrals MaineHealth Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital for neonatal intensive care are fast and easy.
Education and resources
Our goal is for you to have the best possible birth experience, with the information, education and supportive care you need to give your baby the best start in life. We focus on education, role-modeling and empowering parents to control their own birthing experience. We will help you understand process of pregnancy, childbirth, how to nurture your newborn and build strong, healthy bonds.
- You are involved in your health care decisions
- You labor, give birth and complete your hospital stay in a private room
- Your baby stays with you in your room
- Your nurse cares for both you and your baby
- A cot is provided for your support person
- Family and friends are welcome to visit on your schedule

Childbirth Education
We are pleased to offer free classes about pregnancy, labor, delivery and newborn care. We use videos, stories, photos, animations, activities, games and demonstrations to teach the essential information you need to prepare for childbirth and beyond. Class sizes are limited to provide personal attention to each participant. We recommend that expecting parents complete this two-part class series 3-6 weeks before their child's due date. An optional breastfeeding course is also available. Click to learn more, and to register. You may also call 207-563-4536 for more information.
More about our services
- Always place your baby on their back on a firm sleep surface that isn't inclined.
- Avoid overheating your baby. Don't dress them too warmly for sleep and keep the room they sleep in at a temperature that would be comfortable for adults.
- Dress your baby in a one-piece sleeper or wearable blanket instead of loose blankets.
- Remove all soft bedding, toys and bumpers from baby's sleep space. Use only a fitted sheet.
- Breastfeeding lowers baby's risk of SIDS by 50%
- Avoid exposing your baby to smoke and nicotine. Cigarette and other smoke can linger on clothing.
- Avoid alcohol, marijuana, opioids and illicit drugs during pregnancy and after birth.
- Share your room, not your bed. Your baby should sleep in your room, on a separate sleep surface that is designed for infants lie a crib, bassinet or portable play yard.
- Offer a pacifier at nap time and bedtime. If breastfeeding, you can offer a pacifier after 1 month.
- Take your baby to their pediatrician regularly and make sure all immunizations are up to date

The MaineHealth Miles Campus is a drop off site for Mothers' Milk Bank Northeast, a nonprofit human milk bank. We collect breastmilk from mothers who have more than their babies need, then we screen, pasteurize and test the milk. Milk is dispensed primarily to premature and sick babies whose parents do not have enough milk for them.
Getting started with donating milk is an easy, four-step process.
- Complete a 15-minute phone screening
- Fill out forms
- Get a blood test (we pay for it)
- Make arrangements with us for delivery of your breast milk (at no cost to you)
The Milk Depot is located in the obstetrics department at 35 Miles Street in Damariscotta. It's easy and convenient for screened moms to donate. Call 207-563-4536 to schedule a drop-off.

Learn about pediatric medical conditions, symptoms and MaineHealth services.

Routine shots are one of the safest and best ways to protect children from contagious diseases.

The health of you and your baby are our top priority. Learn more about MaineHealth childbirth services.