Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | ADHD | MaineHealth Behavioral Health

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What are the symptoms of ADHD?

ADHD can cause three types of symptoms:

Trouble paying attention (inattention).

People with ADHD often have a hard time focusing on any one task.

Trouble sitting still for even a short time (hyperactivity).

Children with ADHD may squirm, fidget, or run around at the wrong times. Teens and adults often feel restless and fidgety. They aren't able to enjoy reading or other quiet activities. Most people with ADHD are hyperactive only some of the time, even if hyperactivity is their main symptom.

Acting before thinking (impulsivity).

People with ADHD may talk too loud, laugh too loud, or become angrier than the situation calls for. Children may not be able to wait for their turn or to share. This makes it hard for them to play with other children. Teens and adults may make quick decisions that have a long-term impact on their lives. They may spend too much money or change jobs often.

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MaineHealth Behavioral Health

Please call 844-292-0111 for more information about behavioral health care services, or to make an appointment.