Older man interacting with a tablet

Home Telehealth | Virtual Care

MaineHealth provides expert health care services for home care patients using the latest telehealth technology.

Virtual care at home

Telehealth technology allows MaineHealth care teams to connect with home care patients through computers, tablets and cellular phones. For the patient, virtual care can be an invaluable part of their overall care plan. Our specially-trained telehealth nurses can:

  • Communicate via text and email
  • Check vital signs
  • Take pictures (with permission)
  • Monitor medication compliance
  • Answer patient questions
  • Identify new or worsening symptoms
  • Connect patients with community resources and specialty care providers, if needed

Telehealth patients begin with a comprehensive clinical assessment and custom care plan. Then, patients receive instructions on how connect with their care team virtually using:

  • PatientConnect Complete: High acuity patients are given a touchscreen tablet and other devices that they use to connect with their telehealth care team.
  • PatientConnect Mobile: Low acuity patients use their own mobile device to connect with their telehealth care team.